Idanha-a-Nova City Of Music of 
 Creative Cities Network of UNESCO
Since 2015
Out of Place 2018: Lo còr de la plana

Lo Còr De La Plana


Out of Place - Early Music(s) International Festival


8.12.18 > 21:30
Antiga Sé, Idanha-a-Velha

Manu Theron
Sébastien Spessa
Benjamin Novarino-Giana
Denis Sampieri
Rodin Kaufmann

Capacity: 100 pax
Duration: +-60’

Free entry subject to room capacity. For safety reasons, the door will be shut as soon as the room is full to capacity. Doors open +-30’ before the concerts start.


Grands espaces: Musiques à danser*

*Wild spaces: Dancing songs

Formerly, in the Occitan area as anywhere else, the repertoire of dancing songs was meant for entertainment, when an instrumental performer seemed too expensive to the dancers. The musician’s function was then not to be listened to for what he had to “say”, but to entertain and replace “the music”. Few singers, in fact, could bring themselves to accept this exercise in modesty.
In this show, Lo Còr de la Plana accepts this functional demand, diverting it from “folk dances” to different musical aesthetics, also applying the ancient performers’ inventive ploys to the musical styles of today. The songs are of course inspired by the ancient (popular dancing) or modern (rock, ragga, electro) Occitan repertoire and are readapted to the concrete musical means: voices, corporal percussion and frame drums.
The texts are original creations by the members of the choir and offer poetic and political commentary on the sensations brought about by the dancing.
The aim is to make the audience sensitive to vocal music and also to stir up those who tend to fall asleep during polyphony concerts!

+info: Fora do Lugar 2018

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