Idanha-a-Nova City Of Music of 
 Creative Cities Network of UNESCO
Since 2015
Thumbnails 304X192 5 Tradicoes
The Adufe is the true symbol of local identity, being a good example of the preservation of traditions that characterizes the municipality of Idanha-a-Nova. Although, in the past, it could be found [...]
Thumbnails 304X192 6 Eventos
The council plays a key role in the organization, development and promotion of cultural activities. These have a great diversity and unfold in different historical sites in the municipality - Monsan [...]
Thumbnails 304X192 7 Musica
Since 2001, in its strategy of cultural policy, the municipality of Idanha-a-Nova considers the recording of Early Music as a structural element in their scope of annual and multiannual programming.[...]
Thumbnails 304X192 8 Publicacoes
Com uma excelente apresentação gráfica, Adufe não é a vulgar agenda cultural, embora tenha aparentemente esse formato e disponibilize uma série de informações sobre actividades a decorrer no concelh [...]
Thumbnails 304X192 2 Sustentabilidade
The Executive of the municipality of Idanha-a-Nova has made a strong commitment, since the realization of the Local Agenda 21, completed in 2008, to promote the social, economic and environmental de [...]
Thumbnails 304X192 1 Territorio
Idanha-a-Nova is located in the center of Portugal surrounded by the municipalities of Penamacor, Castelo Branco, Fundão and the Spanish region. It is located 286 km from Lisbon. It is home to one [...]
Destaque Vinde às Terras da Idanha
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Idanha Nova   MG CCR_RGB_Color   Geoparque UNESCO Naturtejo   Reserva Biosfera Tejo Internacional