Fora do Lugar @ HOME

Photo: Filipe Faria / Arte das Musas
The Early Music Day is a celebration of more than a millennium of music, through concerts, events, and happenings taking place simultaneously across Europe. REMA, the official promoter and coordinator of the celebration, is the representative network for Early Music in Europe.
Our Festival - Fora do Lugar, Early Music(s) International Festival - and Idanha-a-Nova - UNESCO Creative City of Music (arguably the most beautiful place in the world) - are taking part of this world event and will bring music into your home... and heart!
Filipe Faria
\Director \Fora do Lugar
SATURDAY, 21/3/2021, 11h00 (GMT+0)
Early Music Day 2020
FORA DO LUGAR, Early Music(s) International Festival
Idanha-a-Nova - UNESCO Creative City of Music
LIVE small concert with
TIAGO MATIAS, lutenist