5º FDL 2016 Country Outing: “Stories of the Land on the granite archipelago of Monsanto” | 10 Dec. 2016, 10H30-13h00 | Monsanto, Idanha-a-Nova [...]
5º FDL 2016 "CONCERTS CLOSE TO YOU" Musicantes (Spain) | 03 Dez. 2016, 16h00 | Centro Cultrural Raiano, Idanha-a-Nova.[...]
21h30 | 5th of November | Centro Cultural Raiano[...]
Noa Noa | Hamamatsu World Music Festival[...]
5ªFDL 2016 Dave Boyd e Isaac Muller | 9 Dec. 2016, 21h30 | Centro Cultural Raiano[...]
On the late 1st October, Idanha-a-Nova, UNESCO Creative City of Music, celebrated the International Music Day, with a wide range of initiatives that promote art and musical diversity.[...]