Since 2001, in its strategy of cultural policy, the municipality of Idanha-a-Nova considers the recording of Early Music as a structural element in their scope of annual and multiannual programming.[...]
Com uma excelente apresentação gráfica, Adufe não é a vulgar agenda cultural, embora tenha aparentemente esse formato e disponibilize uma série de informações sobre actividades a decorrer no concelh [...]
The Executive of the municipality of Idanha-a-Nova has made a strong commitment, since the realization of the Local Agenda 21, completed in 2008, to promote the social, economic and environmental de [...]
Idanha-a-Nova is located in the center of Portugal surrounded by the municipalities of Penamacor, Castelo Branco, Fundão and the Spanish region. It is located 286 km from Lisbon.
It is home to one [...]
The City Council has made a strong commitment in the area of creative industries, supporting the start-up of several companies and innovative projects in the municipality and supporting local comm [...]
Throughout the municipality there are numerous traces of prehistoric occupation, as the menhirs and dolmens. The Romans had an important influence, particularly in the parishes of Monsanto, Idanha-a [...]